Month: January 2021

Why is Paper So Satisfying?

There is something about paper that makes our brain so happy!

Did you know? The quality paper makes an impact on each one of us, even when we don’t realise it. It is because the human brain seeks sensory experiences. In fact, more than half of the brain is dedicated to receiving multiple sensory experiences. Paper manages to appeal to so many parts of our brain at the same time. No wonder we all find paper so satisfying, even if it is deep within!

When put on paper, the texture, colour and finish come together to speak to you. Communication becomes something beautiful, beyond the written or printed words, which is why we tend to pay more attention and understand better when we read off paper. While digital means to read stand the risk of proving a sensory overload or a plethora of distractions, the paper is soothing to almost all your senses at once.


Think about the last time you were at a restaurant and a menu was handed to you. Did it say something about the quality of the restaurant itself, didn’t it? It was clearly the beginning of an experience that heightened your opinion of the brand itself, made you comfortable in the ambience and like the food more. Now imagine that everything else was exactly the same, but the menu was printed on a flimsy piece of paper torn at the corners. You probably wouldn’t even order your meal after laying your hands on that menu!

People find the need to touch things without realising it. Touching something makes it real and a part of the environment. Touch comes naturally to us. In an era of continuous digitization, the paper introduces a more rustic touch that appeals better to the senses.

Think of the last wedding invitation card you received. The quality of the card spoke to you and created an image of the wedding in your head. You possibly anticipated the dishes that were going to be served at the wedding banquet. You probably guessed the kind of venue even before looking at it. You couldn’t do the same with a digital invitation, even if you tried.

That is the power of touch. It creates a sense of ownership of the object, which lets your brain connect and analyse anything better. Something you can touch bestows upon you a sense of value and trustworthiness. Something you can trust creates a more satisfying experience.


Colour on paper is received better by us than the colour on the screen. Colours are more dramatic and appealing on printed material than it is on a digital screen. While screens emit coloured rays of light directly into your eyes, the paper reflects light from your surroundings to create a more soothing and realistic viewing experience.

Because paper is easier on the eyes, it lets you read for longer without straining you. It is also easier for you to focus and read every line, every word more carefully when you read on paper. Don’t believe it? Observe how you tend to glance through keywords the next time you read an email on your desktop or a celebrity gossip news piece on your smartphone. You are likely to catch yourself urging to scroll down faster too. Viewing on screen makes you restless. Paper, on the other hand, lets you take your own sweet time.

Printed material that has the right colours can hold your attention more easily and help retain information for longer. While not all of us are blessed with an eidetic memory, we do find ourselves recalling something we read on a piece of paper more easily in the eyes of our minds.


The smell of fresh ink on paper or a new book is so satisfying to our senses. Biblichor, or the smell exuded by old books, is something digital screens can never recreate! We absolutely love you if you love the raw pulpy odour of mill-made paper, fresh out of a ream.

Paper has an earthy smell associated with it that adds to the reading, writing or viewing experience. It comes from organic material, such as cellulose from wood pulp reacting to sunlight, air and everything around to create volatile complex compounds. The smell gets stronger over time depending on the chemicals used to process the paper.

Although our acid-free paper lasts longer, it doesn’t hinder with the pleasant olfactory experience paper is supposed to naturally create. Flip through a pile of printed sheets to feel satisfied, just the same.


Paper makes everything look and feel better. No, we aren’t just talking about what’s printed on paper and what you feel when you look at it. Paper has a sophisticated aesthetic value.

A library of physical books is a great place to hang out at, even for non-readers. Watch yourself closely when you are around books or just a stack of printed papers. Your hands unconsciously reach out and your eyes focus all your attention on it as your fingers begin to flip through pages, even if you don’t intend to read. Paper is so pleasing that it grabs and holds your attention.

Gifting someone a real book feels more valuable than gifting an e-book that costs the same. A personal library, no matter how small, becomes a conversation starter. On the other hand, you might have difficulty in even bringing up the topic of an e-book that you recently read.

Waiting rooms are equipped with exquisite magazines on a coffee table. Have you wondered why your dentist or hairstylist still subscribes to those expensive magazines instead of placing a couple of tablets connected to the internet that lets you browse through anything you want? For starters, those magazines add subtle elegance to the waiting room’s decor. More importantly, you are likely to spend time flipping pages through a magazine more patiently as you wait.

We spend a lot of our time staring at digital screens today. Paper comes as a breath of fresh air. The way paper looks, smells and feels leaves a lasting impact on you. Choose to experience the satisfying effects, among numerous other benefits paper offers. It could uplift your mood or make your life!

What You Need to Know If You are Looking for a Wholesale Paper Supplier

Finding the right wholesale paper supplier demands a whole lot of dedicated time and research. A4 copier paper is one of the most commonly used commodities across the globe, which means you have several trading options. You must make sure you pick the one that suits your needs long-term. But above all, you need to be sure that you aren’t getting scammed!

Here are a few things you need to keep in mind to make the process easier.

Look for suppliers who can guarantee high-quality paper consistently. You need someone who is willing to fix problems immediately when they arise. Do your research to understand the standards that determine good quality in paper and ask your supplier specific questions to be sure you get everything you need. Jam Free, High brightness, high whiteness, and high opacity are all desired qualities in the paper. Durability, uniform ink absorption, quick-drying, and compatibility with high-speed copiers are some other quality aspects to inquire about as well.

Price and payments-
Quality suppliers often pose a hard bargain. If you have an offer that is lower than the international standard, it is possible you are dealing with a scammer. Do not get lured in by suspiciously low-priced paper suppliers. In most cases, quality is compromised.
Avoid suppliers who demand full upfront payment. Use Letters of Credit or Escrow Services to make payments. This way, both parties have trusted financial security and you get to make the payment when your goods are delivered.

Availability –
Being available and accessible is a huge marker of good customer service. You need a reliable supplier who is available to supply continuously, throughout the year. It is one of the most crucial things to keep your professional workspace running smoothly.
Do everything possible to make sure that you are in business with a supplier who is able to deliver on your requirement on time on a regular basis. Find a supplier with who you can strike a mutually beneficial long-term deal.

Relevant Documentation-
Every genuine exporter has some form of documentation from relevant authorities in their country of operation confirming their validity. Always ask a new supplier for their export license and any other document that could help you verify their legitimacy. Any company or individual that refuses or hesitates to furnish you with these documents is a red flag. Go the extra mile to protect yourself from fake documentation by getting it verified with your country’s official authorities.
Also, investigate the sales rep you are in touch with. Remember that in the trade as wide-spread for a commodity like paper, several fraudsters pose to be sales reps of real and highly respected companies.

Environmental responsibility-
Look for suppliers who trade in the environmentally responsible paper. Ask for relevant certification details and look out for them on the packaging to be sure you are really getting what you are promised. Paper made by companies that grow their own trees to make paper, sustainable energy usage, zero-deforestation policy across the supply chain, responsible environmental management, and reduced emissions are desirable.

Winning habits you need to adopt today!

We have all come across highly productive people who seem to get everything done on time or early. Whether a friend or a colleague, we have seen people who accomplish more than an average person and are able to optimize their daily lifestyle to accommodate hobbies, healthy personal habits and more.
How do these people always work at maximum efficiency? Do these highly productive individuals have habits in common? The answer is, yes. And the good news is, you can adopt these winning habits too.
Some daily challenges we all face every day are-
– Procrastinating
– Having to complete mundane tasks that need to be done
– Focusing
– Prioritising tasks
– Staying motivated and energized throughout the day
It is no different for highly productive people. The difference is in the attitude used to tackle these challenges and some simple habits that can get things done more easily.

Here are 12 highly effective habits that can make you productive-

1. Always prioritize the most difficult task at hand while making your checklist. You can include 1-3 high priority tasks and fit smaller, easier tasks around it. Schedule deep work time so you have plenty of time to dedicate to such tasks. This habit ensures you have no room to procrastinate.

2. Keep a distraction list. Have a sheet of paper and a pen handy to jot down distracting thoughts that pop up. Physically writing the distraction down is your way of ensuring you don’t dwell on the thought for too long and waste time. If the thought is important, you can always go back to your list later.

3. Create a Do-Plan-Delegate-Eliminate list. Organizing your tasks this way helps prioritize based on urgency and importance. Accept that not every task needs to be done by you or done at all. Think long term to make sure you aren’t wasting time on something that may seem important now, but may actually be redundant.

4. Adopt the 80-20 rule. 20% of your efforts yield the results in any pursuit. Find ways to cut down 80% unnecessary effort off your schedule to maximize efficiency. Do only what absolutely needs to be done.

5. Break tasks into smaller sub-tasks. It helps avoid procrastination while giving you the satisfaction of having checked off more items on your list. Identify milestones along the task to focus on getting them done one at a time.

6. Schedule breaks. It helps avoid distractions. Intentionally stop working for about 5 minutes to let yourself rest after every 25 minutes of work. This is known to keep you energized as well as creative.

7. Don’t spend too much time making unimportant decisions. Such things include what to wear, eat, etc. Outsource or eliminate decision-making about things that aren’t going to significantly change your life if done differently. It helps save energy, space in your mind, and time.

8. Find a way to automate repeated tasks. If you are in a team or leading it, come up with a standard operating procedure to accomplish repetitive tasks. Consider delegating it to juniors/interns. Use technology to come up with shortcuts when possible.

9. Constantly learn from mistakes. Analyze it and find ways to prevent it. Create a personal feedback loop to ensure you constantly learn from mistakes and make yourself better. This habit gets you closer to success. It also helps to be prepared with a plan before things go wrong.

10. Don’t wait for motivation or inspiration. Focus on getting started. Breaking your task down into smaller chunks is a great way to get started if the enormity of the task overwhelms you. It gives you the confidence to begin.

11. Don’t multitask, especially when you need the same mental resources to get both done. Rapidly switching your attention between two or more tasks doesn’t let you complete any of them efficiently. Focus on checking off one task at a time.

12. Learn to say no. It is a conscious decision you need to make, so you get what’s already on your plate done. Do what you already have to do to the best of your ability, without mindlessly taking on other tasks that you know will make you less productive.

In conclusion, remember that all these habits work best when you are your best self. Learn to put yourself first and take care of yourself, both physically and mentally. Eat, sleep, and do things other than work that make you happy. Ask for help if you need it.

Make it a habit to reflect on each day to identify what you are doing right and what can be made better. Physically write your thoughts down on paper to give your thoughts more clarity as you evaluate your own day.

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